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Every time I book in or out from camp.this song wi... /
Everyday in the morningit's the greatest sight to ... /
This is my farewell post.This is dedicated to all ... /
Salam to all,I've been longing to blog for a while... /
the various maqaam or simply put, melodies, in Ara... /
What is Khushuu'?Khushuu' during Salaat is misunde... /
Do you feel khusyuk by the melodious voice or by t... /
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (d. 911 A.H.) He is considere... /
ITS THE LOVING SEASONTelah diriwayatkan daripada S... /
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| Everyday story5:04 PM - Monday, December 31, 2007
Salams Alhamdullilah.Its the last day for the year 2007.Reminiscing the past 365days brought me back to sweet and some black memories.AllahhuAkbar!with his guidance,I've survive this year as a whole.InsyaAllah next year will be another fruitful year ahead. What i have been up to the couple of weeks.let see.Work and more work.I show u guys of some pics of my new work place in bali lane. After work.i would wonder around bugis,all the way to suntec and marina and many more to reach esplanade to board my bus NR8.
1:51 AM - Monday, December 24, 2007
SalamsThings have turn to be just not the way it is supposed to be.Its not cool now.Backstabbing,lies and hatred is filled in the air.Someone need to stop this.I freaking need my off day.Tired and shag.Official opening for bali lane tml.Supposedly tomorrow is my off day but i still need to work.Meeting up friends to do school project.Back to work again after that. Everyone of my friends are going for holiday.Its December and I'm stuck in Singapore.Work,work and more WORK!.Planning a trip to Bali in February with friends.6days 5night,a total of 300++ per person,inclusive of accomodation,flight and food.So anyone interested?.Saving up cash for license and also my sissy's digi cam which is suppose to be a farewell gift before she goes of to Boston in jun.Gracious.I need to catch up on my sleep.Off to bed now.so long people. 2:49 PM - Monday, December 17, 2007
Salams The time of the year where your working parents would have received their BONUS~Time for shopping people.Unlike me,I have to work.Alhamdullilah.Remarkable week! Been working for the past 9 days without an off day.Guess what?Its my off day today~.The time for me to rejuvenate myself.About the previous post on pay rise,well its not officially that time.Its only official after yesterday.I'm not posted to Bali Lane yet but soon enough I will be.Bali lane will be opening in less than a week now.I've been appointed as a supervisor by my boss and am in charge of training new staffs.In life there will be hard times and in the end if you persist and managed to overcome it,something good will befall you.Syukur Alhamdullilah! One of my friend's friend fractured his neck yesterday.Pity him.Hope entirety for him to be fine and pray for his fast recovery. Hari Raya Haji is just afew days away! Can't wait for it~ 2:34 AM - Sunday, December 9, 2007
Salams I'm lost.I'm speechless and I think I'm confused.First news i received upon reaching work today was that my kitchen manager and head chef was fired.Great job BOSS!!!..Now who's going to cook the food?I did together with a senior staff who owns 30% of the companies share.32 dishes with a time limit of 4 hours.After which we clean up the kitchen.Hard work.I hate the fact that from day one till now,I'm not given a fixed job.I think my company's way of management should change for the better.Thanks to the stucked up attitude of my boss for employing a manager that doesn't contribute much to the company.I dislike my managing director and also my manager.Maybe I should take in-charge of the management.They tend to hire less worker when there is a big event,in the end,my friends and i will have to do all the work or when they hire servers for the main hall,the ones they hire are either slow or those who are unable to withstand tedious work.When I bring along more friends to work,my manager will say that there is not a need for to many workers.Get A LIFE!I'm currently feeling very angry and i hope things better change for the best. Lately,life has been all about work.Its not that I need a job to provide for myself but it is merely a thing that prevents me from wasting my time.The time spent with friends and family has been lessening.Nothing much to say for this post. 1:30 PM - Saturday, December 8, 2007
Salams Currently I'm late for work,but here's a short post of my working place. 11:56 AM - Sunday, December 2, 2007
It has been a fabulous week,MasyaAllah.Great news received yesterday,I've been promoted to bali lane,Samar cafe.No longer I have to travel a distance from home to changi village to work for Manasseh Hall.Since I've been posted to bali lane,I would not have the chance to work with my other friends.I guess I'll adapt to the changes fast.A significant raise in my pay too.Alhamdullilah(All praise due to the lord).First day at work in bali lane will commence today at 3 pm.Just hope for the best for everything today.Salams and tc all! 12:34 PM - Saturday, December 1, 2007
Salams I suddenly feel the urge to play rugby! The TEAM that will always be remembered! |