
Extras and history



Everyday story
1:39 AM
- Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Allahu Akbar!

Subhanallah, yesterdays maulidur rasul event was magnificent. The crowd was outstandingly large. After visit to Darul Ma'wa to see the preparation of the nasi briyani dam the night before. Ustaz catered a total of 12,000 people worth of food,reach home about 1am. Felt the anxiety burning through out the night and woke up as 5am to prepare myself for the event. Brother mazri picked me up at 6.30am after i performed subuh prayers and we proceed to expo which we reach at 6.55am.

Our microphone check was cut short as its time for ustaz Afazah to start his qasidah and salawat cause our tawakkal crew were late. We had a mini session outside the pavilion. Settle down and wait for our turn. I seriously enjoyed all the ceramah and diba'ie by all the fellow ustaz and ustazah.

So this is how the event goes following the order of sequence:

1)Qasidah & Salawat by ustaz Afazah
2)The reading of Holy Quran by Ustaz Afandi Amat
3)Ceramah & Berzanji by Habib Hassan
4)Ceramah & Salawat by Ustaz Saifourizal
5)Zikir & Salawat & Ceramah by Kiyai Kassim,Ustaz Nor,Ustaz Fahrurazi
6)Ceramah Ustazah Siti NorBahyah
7)Perfromance by Syamil
8)Our performance nasyid At-Tawakkal
9)Ceramah by ustaz Farid Ravi
10)Closing performance by Darul Ma'wa kids and Al-Khautsar

Still remember the ceramah by ustazah siti norbahyah, about surah al-hasyr and the story on how kids contravene and rebel their mothers.So here it is a little for everyone to share.
سُوۡرَةُ الحَشر
لَوۡ أَنزَلۡنَا هَـٰذَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ عَلَىٰ جَبَلٍ۬ لَّرَأَيۡتَهُ ۥ خَـٰشِعً۬ا مُّتَصَدِّعً۬ا مِّنۡ خَشۡيَةِ ٱللَّهِ‌ۚ وَتِلۡكَ ٱلۡأَمۡثَـٰلُ نَضۡرِبُہَا لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمۡ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ (٢١)

Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou would have seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of Allah, such are the similitudes which We propound to men, that they may reflect. (21)

Read this surah and blow it on the back of the neck of your partners or in their foods/drinks and insyaAllah it will work to tranquilize them.Believe and keep the faith.

Ustaz Farid Ravi's ceramah was SUPERB! The way he sounded the azan and spontaneously reading the holy quran.

Overall its was awesome.Marha Marha.Wait for the following post for pics,InsyaAllah~

1:24 AM
- Thursday, March 13, 2008

Alhamdullilah.Exams are over.Whats done is done,hope things goes fine.InsyaAllah.I always love this time of the year.Its the month where the prophet s.a.w was born.It is known as the month of Rabiul Awal.The prophet s.a.w was born on the 12 Rabiul Awal.So in this month of Rabiul Awal, many mosques and religious institutes in Singapore would organize a maulid(or milad which is a term that means birthday in arabic).A simple way to show our gratitude towards all the sacrifices our prophet Muhammad s.a.w has done for us is by celebrating his birthday.Be it a grand one or just a small one,its the thought that counts.I'm blessed to have a family that uphold this tradition and each year without fail we would celebrate this event.To extend my invitations to the muslim readers,I would like to invite you guys to a grand celebration that is organise by my ustaz.

Majlis Sambutan MAULIDUR RASUL S.A.W 1429H
anjuran FR Services Pte Ltd.
Tarikh : Ahad, 16 Mac 2008(8 Rabiul Awal 1429H)
Tempat : Max Pavillion (Spore Expo Hall 7)
Masa : 8.30pagi hingga 1.00tgh

Pensyarah Undangan
Habib Hassan Al-Atas (S'pura)
Ust Farid Ravi Abdullah (M'sia)
Ustz Siti Norba'yah (M'sia)

Persembahan Nasyid

Datang lah beramai ramai untuk menjayakan Majlis Rasulullah saw yang penuh
Barakah ini.
Hidangan Beryani Dam untuk semua hadirin yang hadir.
Perkhidmatan bas percuma di sediakan. Sila hubungi pejabat kami utk tempahan.


My nasyid group has been practicing hard for this Sundays performance.so guys here is a lil sneek peek of our second song!Enjoy

12:42 AM
- Friday, March 7, 2008

This post is dedicated to a teacher of mine. He is the one that strengthen SB as a class. We owe him to our success in our results. Unfortunately every good things has and ending. Mr Samson Shane Lee will be leaving us and also the school. He has taken up an offer by his previous company to work back there as a channel manager. We should be happy for him as he deserve a better paying job. Its just sad that he can't stay and develop this class further to its full potential and watch us graduate as a class.

Although Mr Samson doesn't read my blog, as a student of his, I should express my gratitude by atleast thanking him and acknowledging all his effort in bringing this class to a higher level.
There were times where we made him so angry that he just walk out on us, though he still cared about us by advising and counseled some of our classmates when needed. A teacher who never look down on anyone of us although we are weak or incapable of doing things that he ask us to. Always motivating SB and praising us for every little thing we do right.

He is more like a buddy than a teacher. The guy who is also known as Back-combed Chinese Arnold Schwarzenegger. All the best Mr Samson!

9:58 AM
- Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A brand new week. Exams will be commencing in a weeks time. Holidays coming soon. Spent the
day watching a movie title "The Game Plan". Its acted by the rock,if you guys ever watch wrestling before. Its really a touching story line, as a person only cares about himself and his career and in the end all it takes its just his daughter's love to change him.


I also watch a documentary or you can say a short forum/show on a life of a women who's once experience the world after life. I may upload it in my next post.InsyaAllah.

This video clip is by Native Deen. A Islamic rapping band. Their new album and the single hits I'm not afraid to stand alone.Enjoy!