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Every time I book in or out from camp.this song wi... /
Everyday in the morningit's the greatest sight to ... /
This is my farewell post.This is dedicated to all ... /
Salam to all,I've been longing to blog for a while... /
the various maqaam or simply put, melodies, in Ara... /
What is Khushuu'?Khushuu' during Salaat is misunde... /
Do you feel khusyuk by the melodious voice or by t... /
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (d. 911 A.H.) He is considere... /
ITS THE LOVING SEASONTelah diriwayatkan daripada S... /
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| Everyday story12:47 AM - Friday, May 30, 2008
SalamMasa' al khair.Khaifaluk antum? Ana bekhair, shukran! Adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr. Ana atakallamu allaghoh al arabia qaleelan al ann. Alhamdullilah! Firstly, salam to all my readers,syukran to Allah for blessing me with good health.Alhamdullilah.Let me translate what I have wrote above in Arabic."Good evening.How are you people? I'm fine here,thanks! I've been learning Arabic for one month .I can speak the Arabic language a little now.All praises due to Allah" Much has happened since my last post.Syukur, the family bbq went perfectly well, manchester united won the champions league and at-tawakkal performance on 18 may at bedok stadium all went well.Alhamdullilah. If plan goes as follows,InsyaAllah, I will be flying off on tuesday afternoon at 4pm.Thanks for all the well wishes and gifts.Sure will take pictures for you guys. Till then people. Wasalam. 1:48 PM - Saturday, May 17, 2008
SalamWish to share with you guys something.Came across this blog from a friend of mine.Well the owner of the blog has passed away.Although i'm not related to her in anyways,i truly feel for those who are close to her.Its been a few months back since she left.You guys should read the tags that are given by her friends,its really touching.May god bless her soul.InsyaAllah! This truly shows that no matter how young you are,when the call comes,its time for you to come back to him. Rakinah bte Mhd Jailani Al-Fatiha Click Here 11:08 PM - Thursday, May 8, 2008
Salam Alhamdullilah, a year older now.Thank you for all the wishes and gifts from Family, Friends and other whom I don't even know.Appreciate all your well wishes.Theres too many to mention.I will always remember you kind souls out there for your thoughtful minds.A year older seem to me like there are lesser room for you to be relaxed. A huge load of responsibility is just over your shoulder. InsyaAllah,it will be fruitful one for me. ![]() Will be hosting 3 Canadian students in our class tomorrow.having a mini class party with them and also a cultural and modern presentation for them.Hope everythings goes fine InsyaAllah! 10:00 AM - Monday, May 5, 2008
SalamJust quick post here.Went Pulau Ubin on saturday morning with firdaus for a trekking session to chek jawa with brother firdaus.Fun filled day I must say, its been a while since I last walk around thick forests.