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Every time I book in or out from camp.this song wi... /
Everyday in the morningit's the greatest sight to ... /
This is my farewell post.This is dedicated to all ... /
Salam to all,I've been longing to blog for a while... /
the various maqaam or simply put, melodies, in Ara... /
What is Khushuu'?Khushuu' during Salaat is misunde... /
Do you feel khusyuk by the melodious voice or by t... /
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (d. 911 A.H.) He is considere... /
ITS THE LOVING SEASONTelah diriwayatkan daripada S... /
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| Everyday story6:13 AM - Monday, September 29, 2008
Salam Semua,Alhamdulillah, I have successfully clean my room. Thrown away tons of stuffs and clothes. Among those stuffs, I even throw away my D&T Works for all three years. Some old stuff includes, my first rugby jersey, my police Unarmed tactics shirt,the picture mix done by kevin, St John Island camp shirt & my D&T workpiece. 10:34 PM - Monday, September 22, 2008
Salam alai'kumLast 10 day of ramadan is here, am here today to address an issue of giving big, have you guys ever watch Oprah's BIG GIVE show? I touched me deeply and how those individuals willing to give their all for those in need. For sure Oprah has done a good job helping those on need. ![]() ![]() That brings me to my second part, I went for the Tongues & Heart Jamming session organise by the NUS tasmiun. Last sat is was at darul ma'wa. Breaking fast with them was an eye opener for me. So its time for us to do our part and GIVE BIG to them. Your small contribution means a world to them. For those who wish to join me in the next jamming session.do inform me yeah.. And hey guys new formula 7 X 13 = 28...Enjoy =) 2:09 AM - Saturday, September 20, 2008
This just reminds me of the past. 114 Surahs completed =) LAST 10 DAYS~ 1:41 AM - Wednesday, September 17, 2008
3:04 AM - Saturday, September 13, 2008
Pass 12 Days come back to me
I need you guys back Dont leave me Pls Nangis air mata darah pun, Masa tidak akan ulang semula I'm starting to miss Madinah Much more of mekkah lately. Next year plan might be canceled Due to the one and only letter ! Yazid Yazid...hai 8:29 AM - Tuesday, September 9, 2008
FitnahSebuah kisah tentang Siti 'Aishah, isterinya Muhammad SAW. Pada suatu ketika,Siti 'Aishah tertinggal dari rombongan Nabi saw ketika kembali dari satu peperangan, di suatu tempat kerana mencari kalungnya yang hilang, kemudian datang Safwan bin Mu'atta menjemputnya menaiki untanya untuk ke madinah. Setelah sampai di Madinah,seorang munafik yang bernama Abdullah bin Ubay menuduh `Aishah berzina dengan Safwan. Satu fitnah yang cukup memalukan, dan menggemparkan masyarakat Madinah pada waktu itu, peristiwa yang terkenal dengan "Hadisul ifki (kabar bohong)". Demikian hebat fitnah yang dilancarkan, dan demikian banyak gangguan yang menyakitkan hati yang ditujukan kepada Siti 'Aishah. Dikhabarkan, 'Aishah tidak dapat tidur dengan lena dan jatuh sakit selama sebulan hingga fitnah itu diselesai dengan turunnya firman Allah dalam surah Ali imran ayat 186. Abdullah Bin Ubay tidak dihukum kerana pangkatnya di Madinah, tetapi beliau adalah antara sahabat yang munafiq. 7:30 AM -
Salam alai'kum semua9 day of fasting pass by in a blink of an eye, yes. Syukur Alhamdullilah. There have been glitches here and there but manage to counter it. I've set myself what I will be doing in the future during this ramadan. I've made my mind about this decision quite sometime back but only to settle on it permanently recently, when i met with an old friend on a bus journey back home.She's currently in NUS doing her degree in Sciences, the thing that really caught me was her age, same age but different qualification as compared.My mom looks perplex with the idea,while dad just "asal kau bahagia sudah Yazid". Well its true there's a saying in malay ''Kite merancang tetapi tuhan yang menentukan'', so I've decided to take a step to plan ahead this time. It seems in less than six months I'm completing my Higher Nitec in Business Admin.So here I go, First Complete my National Service, by then my age would be 22 Next, I got two choice here, either to take Private Diploma in Business Management or go SHATEC. At the same time I'm taking up DPI (diploma in Islamic studies) as a private student too. By then 26. If I'm still alive, will continue with my next phase of life that is to work for at least two years and perform my pilgrimage. I'm 28 then. Last if I wish to pursue my business career another advance dip or a degree in marketing or Business and that will take another 4 years. So the total sum is 32. Big issue with age here but InsyaAllah I'm willing to wait. And marriage? Would you be willing to wait God knows better Take a look at this vid. meningful content but the video clip is much of a drama. You decide! The song just got me in a mood to write this morning. 3:33 PM - Monday, September 8, 2008
Menanti Di Barzakh- Far EastThe depth of the content is beyond tears. 4:36 PM - Saturday, September 6, 2008
Very emotional recitation12:28 AM - Thursday, September 4, 2008
Salam Everyone =)Alhamdullilah, day 3 of sawm went well. Anyone interested to read Quran in a very different perspective like the scene and also the place? Nus Tasmiun is organising a Quran picnic for all muslim or even non-muslim who are interested to listen to the recitors. Their first Jamming session. Saturday,6 September 2008 NUS Tasmi-un & IslamicEvents.sg are launching Quran 'jamming' sessions throughout the month of Ramadhan and the week before it... all around Singapore. These series of events called 'Tongues & Hearts' intends to re-live the spirit of reading the Quran anywhere, anytime, with your tongue and with your heart. The 2nd event, Picnic With The Qur'an will be held in the nice outdoor seating area at Marina Square, overlooking the Esplanade We'd like to invite everyone who wants to watch, listen, read, record, support to come and join us, and enjoy and reflect upon the Quran - the book which can move hearts, for those who can and even cant understand its meanings... So yesterday night taraweeh prayers was done at Jelapang road. The was an invited Qori(A person who can recite the Quran professionally) from Egypt. His voice was mellifluous, masyaAllah. I just happen that when i was browsing thru youtube for some nice video, i came across this video by Qori Abdul Basit. The Qori yesterday recited the same surah and also the same way as how Qori Abdul Basit Recites. Enjoy! |