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Every time I book in or out from camp.this song wi... /
Everyday in the morningit's the greatest sight to ... /
This is my farewell post.This is dedicated to all ... /
Salam to all,I've been longing to blog for a while... /
the various maqaam or simply put, melodies, in Ara... /
What is Khushuu'?Khushuu' during Salaat is misunde... /
Do you feel khusyuk by the melodious voice or by t... /
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (d. 911 A.H.) He is considere... /
ITS THE LOVING SEASONTelah diriwayatkan daripada S... /
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| Everyday story10:39 PM - Friday, October 31, 2008
EIDULADHA PROJECT : QURBAN FOR THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEES ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Salam everyone, here is something I came across from Ustadz Masdiuky's Facebook. If anyone of you do have extra savings or wish to do you Korban and Aqqiqah for Dec 08 Aidul Adha, Please do so. May Allah Reward you with the Jannah! Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Imagine....how much joy and happiness you will give to our Palestinian brothers, sisters and children at Eiduladha this year, insya-Allah! I am sure you will be happy to make them smile too Then, why not you join me perform the annual qurban ritual at the refugee camp in Lebanon? Allah SWT will double our rewards. There is no deed that is more excellent than those on the 10 days of Zulhijjah! Every strand of the sheep's fur is a reward when we perform the qurban! This project is jointly organised anually by AMAN-PALESTINE BERHAD, a non-profit organisation registered under Companies Commision of Malaysia (Reg No : 719871-K) as a NGO to help and give humanitarian support to the Palestinian people especially the orphans and refugees. A lot of effort has been done by AMAN-PALESTINE BERHAD the past years since it was formed in 2004, such as setting up a wakaf clinic and an orphanage for the refugees, financial support for Palestinians students and very low-income families, agricultural projects at Nablus, medical and ambulance assistance and providing food for the unfortunante Palestinians refugees. Recently, their Ramadhan-Sponsor a Meal was a remarkable success, alhamdulillah! And, AMAN-PALESTINE BERHAD is recognise by the Malaysian Government. So, you do not need to be worry, its legal. If you are a loyal listener of RADIO IKIM, then you may have heard some of their advertisements or interviews. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COST OF EACH QURBAN. Due to the high food cost at Palestine and Lebanon, each sheep or 1/7 of cattle is $350 Singapore dollars. Yes I do agree that the price is much higher than performing qurban in Singapore or Indonesia or China or Cambodia but if you feel $350 is expensive, think and just reflect the poverty and hardship that our Palestinian brothers, sisters and children face daily while we spent more than $350 for clothes, handphones etc, etc, etc.... The $350 Singapore dollars that you contribute are inclusive of performing the ritual at the refugees' camp (not in Malaysia), admin & bank charges plus a small infaq for Tradisi Halaqah Islamic Traditional Knowledge Programs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR EVERY PARTICIPATION IN THIS BLESSED PROJECT, A TOKEN FOR YOU. Upon your worthy effort to bring happiness and contentment (satisfaction) to our Palestinian brothers, sisters and children, you will receive a receipt and certificate from AMAN-PALESTINE BERHAD ( A photo too, I will try to ask for them, insya-Allah). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW CAN YOU TAKE PART IN THIS BLESSED HUMANITARIAN PROJECT? Please do not hesistate to contact me through my personal email, masduq.mi@gmail.com There will be a qurban form for you to fill in your particulars. BEFOR YOU LEAVE, HAVE A PEEK AT THIS VIDEO. Life in Palestine Refugee Camp Please help to spread this information widely. May Allah illuminate our hearts with the Lights of Certainty. Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb. USTADZ MUHAMMAD MAZDIUKY BIN MD ISHAK (Former) Imam of Masjid Al-Amin & Naib Qadhi
My take on this whole event, Its definitely something special. It is hard being a Palestine and living with the Israelis. When I at Jerusalem,Palestine last June, it totally caught me of guard. I was shock and at one point of time traumatized by the sounds of gun shots and bombing that was happening at the Gaza Strips late into the night.Although we are hundreds of miles away from the Gaza Strip,it was like something you could only see and hear in the movies but its happening on a routine daily basis right infront of you. Imagine us living in a lovely and comfortable house would have to give up everything and live our life is a state of terror and shock, counting to the next series of attacks, thanking god daily for allowing you to live for the day. Or Imagine, watching your beloved family members perish right in front of your very eyes. These kids of Palestine's are talented people, uttermost adorable looking kids, living life daily with the support of people funding them. Be a sweetheart and donate and support this cause. May Allah Reward You With Jannah! Amin. 4:20 PM -
5:57 PM - Thursday, October 30, 2008
Kisah cintatidak melalaikan umpama Laila dan Majnun tidak berahi bagai Rumi dan Juli Bukan pula angkara Dewa Arjuna yang memanah berdarah mata hati. Kisah cinta di antara dua jiwa yang berbeza tetapi tetap searah tujuan seagama, sehaluan Kisah cinta irama dialun, gurindam dilagukan syair tanpa suara dibelai dawai gitar mengikuti susunan yang diilham terus dari naluri semangat insani sari kasih sebuah kisah cinta Kisah cinta tidak sehebat epik Mahabarat nafsulah penjahat waktu kita tersendat tidak berbekal seni silat hanya akal dan hati menjadi penyelamat Kisah cinta lahir dari ketawa dan tangis pemergian dan kehilangan rahmat yang terselindung di balik gemawan hitam pekat yang akan datang biarlah yang lebih indah walau engkau tidak setaat Siti Khadijah walau aku tidak sehebat Rasulullah Kerana engkau dan aku tetap milik kita berdua. 11:53 PM - Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ya Allah. Guide Us!
Show Us The Right Path Plant Seeds of Patience in The Hearts of Your Needing Servants! 6:55 AM -
Honesty-Billy JoelIf you search for tenderness it isn't hard to find. You can have the love you need to live. But if you look for truthfulness You might just as well be blind. It always seems to be so hard to give. Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you. I can always find someone to say they sympathize. If I wear my heart out on my sleeve. But I don't want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies. All I want is someone to believe. Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you. I can find a lover. I can find a friend. I can have security until the bitter end. Anyone can comfort me with promises again. I know, I know. When I'm deep inside of me don't be too concerned. I won't as for nothin' while I'm gone. But when I want sincerity tell me where else can I turn. Because you're the one I depend upon. Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you. 9:02 PM - Sunday, October 12, 2008
PERMAIDANI "Rimbun dan redup kasihMu Kau tempat ku berpayung Di manakah lagi dapat ku rebahkan Rasa gundah ini Nun Kau teguh di sana Pengasih dan penyayang Pun ku masih terleka Meneguk ihsanMu Walau ku sedari Oh… nyamannya Bila diperlukan rinduMu Mengimbaulah sentosa Bentangkan ku permaidani Dari baldu berwarna putih Moga tak ku terasakan Cubaan yang ku galas ini Kepada Mu titianku Hijrahkanlah diri ini"
I got this from Brother Hafiz's blog.Enjoy 5:06 AM -
9:06 PM - Saturday, October 11, 2008
![]() Oh lord Please help those in need. Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum, Ya Dzaljalali Wal ikram. Only you Know's best Guide them Amin Not feeling so good right now. 12:49 PM - Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Salam, I came across this on the net,although its not my writings but I totally attached to it.To All Muslimah, this is for you ladies Seorang gadis itu Yang lembut fitrah tercipta Halus kulit, manis tuturnya Lentur hati…telus wajahnya Setelus rasa membisik di jiwa Di matanya cahaya, didalamnya ada air Sehangat cinta, sejernih suka, sedalam duka Ceritera hidupnya Seorang gadis itu… Bisa seteguh Khadijah, yang suci hatinya Tabah & tenang sikapnya, teman Ar-Rasul Pengubat duka dan laranya…bijaksana ia Menyimpan ilmu, si teman bicara Dialah Aisyah, penyeri taman Rasulullah Dialah Hafsah, penyimpan mashaf pertama kalamullah… Seorang gadis itu… Bisa setabah Maryam Meski dicaci meski dikeji Itu hanya cerca manusia Namun sucinya Allah memuji Seperti Fatimah kudusnya Meniti hidup seadanya Puteri Rasulullah…kesayangan ayahanda Suaminya si panglima agama Di belakangnya dialah pelita Cahaya penerang segenap rumahnya Ummi tersayang cucunda Baginda…bisa dia segagah Nailah Dengan dua tangan tegar melindung khalifah Meski akhirnya bermandi darah Meski akhirnya khalifah rebah Syahid menyahut panggilan Allah… 12:03 AM -
Salam to all readers =)ok first lets watch this short video then let me say my share ok! Had fun laughing away? well you could be a laughing stock too if you don't wish to learn how to pray properly.It might be funny when you watch them, but it might be embarrassing if you are in their shoe when you are performing solat jemaah right?..so take this effort to learn about Islam.Do not be shy.Good Luck! 5:47 PM - Saturday, October 4, 2008
![]() 5:15 PM -
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!Would like to wish all the people of Islam Eid Mubarak! Alhamdulillah kita sudah tamat menjalani ibadah puasa sepanjang Ramadhan ini. Sama-samalah kita mengharapkan mudah-mudahan Allah menerima amalan puasa kita. Di samping itu juga diharapkan agar latihan ibadat yang kita lakukan sepanjang Ramadhan seperti puasa, solat sunat, sedekah, bacaan Quran dapat diteruskan dalam bulan-bulan lain sehinggalah kita bertemu Ramadhan 1430. akan datang. Setiap amalan ada kesan dan hasilnya. Ibadat puasa Ramadhan ini mampu menjadikan kita orang yang bertakwa. Inilah intipati dari Ramadhan. Kelazatan puasa memuncak ketika berakhirnya Ramadhan. Kita inginkan keberkahan Ramadhan ini berpanjangan hingga setahun, tapi apakan daya ia datang hanya sebulan saja. Sungguhpun begitu, kita masih berpeluang meneruskan puasa selepas 1 Syawal. Adalah menjadi amalan sunat mengerjakan puasa 6 hari dalam bulan Syawal. Ia boleh dilakukan mulai 2 Syawal hingga 7 Syawal secara berterusan atau mana-mana 6 hari dalam bulan tersebut. Nabi Muhammad saw. bersabda "Barangsiapa berpuasa Ramadhan kemudian diikuti dengan puasa 6 hari dalam bulan Syawal, maka orang itu seolah-olah berpuasa setahun penuh." Sebagaimana yang diketahui semua amalan sunat adalah sebagai penampal mana-mana kekurangan dalam amalan fardhu. Sayugialah kita mengambil peluang ini untuk berpuasa 6 di bulan Syawal. Selain mendapat pahala puasa setahun, kita juga dapat memperbaiki kekurangan dalam ibadat puasa bulan Ramadhan. Bagi kaum perempuan yang tidak dapat berpuasa penuh dalam bulan Ramadhan kerana kedatangan haid, puasa Sunat 6 hari dalam Syawal ini memberi peluang terbaik untuk mengqadha' di samping mendapatkan pahala berpuasa sunat. Kebiasaan mentaakhirkan qadha sehingga hampir Ramadhan akan datang adalah satu amalan yang tidak sepatutnya dilakukan. Amalan wajib jika ditinggalkan mestilah disegerakan sebagai menunjukkan sikap pengabdian diri kita terhadap Allah. Apakah makna dan tujuan kita melambatkan qadha' puasa wajib? Tidak lain menunjukkan seolah-olah kita keberatan untuk menunaikan kewajiban yang telah kita tinggalkan. Bukankah Allah tahu apa yang tersirat di hati kita? Natijah dari amalan puasa ialah taqwa dan kasih akan Allah. Tanda kasih akan Allah ialah berkhidmat kepadaNya. Siapa mencintai Allah dia akan berbahagia di alam akhirat, sebaliknya siapa mencintai dunia dan isinya, ketahuilah dunia akan meninggalkan kita. Kelazatan dunia walaupun bagus tetapi ia tidak kekal. Ia berakhir sebaik saja kita menemui ajal. Sebaliknya kelazatan akhirat kekal abadi tanpa batasan waktu. Di antara tanda kita mengasihi akan Allah ialah mulut sentiasa berzikir (mengingati / menyebut) Allah, hati tidak lalai mengingati sesuatu selain Allah. Setiap amalan yang dilakukan diperiksa terlebih dulu adakah untuk nafsu atau Allah. Mana yang dirasakan untuk Allah diteruskan. Apabila melihat sesuatu hati terus teringat kepada Allah yang menjadikannya. Selain itu, sentiasa mendampingi orang alim (ulama) kerana mereka ialah pewaris nabi. Kita sedar kita adalah bersama orang yang kita cintai di akhirat nanti. Jika hati menyintai nabi dan para ulama, insyallah kita bersama mereka di akhirat . Bagaimana pula agaknya kalau kecintaan beralih kepada para artis dan penyanyi? Nauzubillah... Sebagai akhirnya, sama-samalah kita berdoa supaya kita dapat bertemu Ramadhan tahun depan dan seterusnya. "Ya Allah, masukkanlah kami ke dalam golongan orang yang merindui Ramadhan kerana kami sedar di syurga terdapat sebuah pintu bernama Ar-Rayyan yang tidak boleh dimasuki oleh sesiapa kecuali orang yang berpuasa saja. Kami juga sedar Ya Allah bahawa puasa merupakan benteng terkuat dari azab neraka. Oleh itu jadikanlah kami orang yang rajin mengerjakan puasa wajib dan sunatnya. Kau peliharakanlah kami dari azab api neraka yang tidak mampu bagi kami untuk menanggungnya.." Amin.2:41 AM - Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Salam Eidul Fitri
Minal Aidin Wal Fa Izin, Wal Maqbulin.. Sekiranya ada kesalahan, hamba ingin mohon maaf zahir & batin |