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Demi 12 Rabiul Awal Yang IndahMenyahut seruan di a... /
Believe it or notThe most bastard type of god's cr... /
Sifat-sifat wanita ahli syurgaSiapakah wanita yang... /
945 Saat indah tidak akan dilupakan4 tahun selepas... /
Salam EveryoneIts already the month of Safar. Some... /
Sayyidul-Istighfarاللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي لا إِل... /
ANAK LELAKI IBU Usai salam ke... /
The cessation of fighting in Gaza has allowed the ... /
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| Everyday story3:32 AM - Wednesday, March 11, 2009
![]() They have been with me for 2 years Though its a short period of time compared to past institutions, I treasure what have been presented to me. In my life, People come and go in a matter of seconds. This chapter of my life is finally completed after being encrypted close to my heart. There have been times when we got angry with one another due to projects, works left undone, the verbal assaults from friends. But this class spend 2 years making fun,laughing,slacking and most importantly loving the difference in each other. I take my Hats off for those who really impress academically and non the less for those who tried their best. It was like a fairy tale,masyaAllah. I don't wish to be mushy here, so lets keep this simple.yet deep down this meant to be emotional.This is not some kind of graduation speech but just merely showing my gratitude to all you people who made this happen, even though its just a Higher Nitec Certificate.There have been points of time where I thought school was unnecessary and quitting was a better option then learning something which bores me. To the modest yet admirable group of ladies, Junaidah,Irna,Shiqah,Juriana You ladies are the mother of believers,without u people SB/SL wouldn't be able to stay strong.Thank you for making my day! To the macho group of young boys, Omar,Fareez,Raziqin,Ridzwan The journey to the end will be crippled without you guys. Day in day out we crack tons of jokes just to keep this class going. Thank you for making my day! I did not mention Jeffery and Ibnu Aliff's name, as no words can describe the difference you guys have made in my life. Thank you for making my day! To the rest of my Classmates, Thanks for the memories dear classmates. To my dearest Lectures, Mr Samson Yr1,Mrs Dorothy,Mr Chin,Mdm Seet,Mrs Josephine Ong,Mrs Ng Mei Hoe and the other. Thanks for making my 2 years an enjoyable one! To Mrs Lui, The only teacher who was able to tolerate SB/SL nonsensical acts. Your efforst is greatly remembered! Thank You~ To my external friends like firdaus,muz,sadi,iqbal,khai,ham,hayati Thanks for always being there for me. To my Sister, I owe you for always giving in when I needed to the com for projects. Thank you! AND LASTLY, To both my MOM and DAD this is for you. Its not a Diploma nor a Degree that im giving you folks but I truly appreaciate the time,money & effort to support me through out. Thank You! |